Lalo de Almeida brazilian, 1970
39 3/8 x 26 in
English version:
ALTAMIRA, PA, Brazil. 08/31/2013. A Juruna child plays close to the measuring stick used by the indigenous people of the Miratu village to independently monitor the flow of the Xingu River, downstream from the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant. Communities located in Volta Grande do Xingu, such as the Miratu village, were the most impacted by the construction of Belo Monte, which diverted a large part of the volume of water from this stretch of the Xingu River to feed the main powerhouse of the hydroelectric plant."Our monitoring it is our weapon to defend the life of our people and the species of animals and plants in our region.", explains professor Natanael Juruna, one of the community leaders in the Miratu village.