Rogério Assis was born in Belém, Pará, Brazil in 1965. He started working as a photographer in 1988 for a local video production company that worked for Funai and the Museu Emílio Goeldi. As far as is known, he was the first photographer to register the Zo'é - Tupi-speaking indigenous people who live in the northwest of Pará, along the Cuminapanema, Erepecuru and Urucuriana rivers. In 1989, Rogério moved to São Paulo, and began working with Agência Angular. In the 1990s, he worked for Agência Estado and Folha de S.Paulo. In 1992 he toured the Amazon and ten Caribbean islands, arriving in Cuba where he lived for three months and made a documentary on the economic situation of the island, which became a special report in Veja magazine and in several other international media outlets. In Folha de S. Paulo he was special artiles editor and New York correspondent photographer, with a scholarship in the digital media laboratory of the International Center of Photography (ICP). He was photo editor for Latin America at Starmedia. In 2000, he participated in the creation of Fotosite and, in 2008, of Pororoca magazine. Today he works as executive editor of Editora Mandioca and collaborates with Instituto Socioambiental (ISA). Throughout his career he participated in exhibitions in several countries, such as Brazil, the United States, Cuba and Germany.